Monday, July 31, 2017

[Imported Genuine from Japan]mis zapatos Dot Socks Tote Bag/ Ladies Handbag

mis zapatos Dots Socks Tote Bag

                              mis zapatos トートバッグ 手提げかばん ドットソックス おしゃれ ハンドルトート

Introducing unique & Instagenic Japanese Brand Bag, mis zapatos.
mis zapatos means "My shoes' in Spanish. It is a nice bag brand which expresses the sense of excitement when the girl goes out wearing favorite shoes with the cute and retro motif.

The best features are the "legs" and "shoes" which look cute. They are particular about the angle and color scheme for each design which can be looked most cute.

The playful and cute mis zapatos designs are popular among fashionable women both in Japan and overseas.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

[Imported Genuine from Japan] anello Polyester Backpack Rucksack AT-B0193A

[Imported Genuine from Japan] 24K Golden Beauty Bar Lady Face Care Facial Roller Pulse Firming Massage

Japan 24K Golden Beauty Bar Lady Face Care 

Facial Roller Pulse Firming Massage

BM-1 日本製純金美顔器 24金と6000回転の美振動 完全防水仕様でお風呂でも使えちゃう 正規品 エムシービケン ビューティーバー BEAUTY BAR 24K BM-1

The head of the Beauty Bar, an electric-powered beauty implement, features a 24K pure gold finish. It oscillates at a gentle 6,000 RPM, the perfect amount for facials and hand care. Now you can achieve vital and lush skin. Furthermore, it’s fully waterproof, so you can use it while relaxing in the bath.